Cmst 303 project 2 | Applied Sciences homework help



Over the past two weeks, you have studied some of the advanced features of MS Access. The exercises in this project will help you to reinforce some of the concepts learned. 


Using Access, you will create a NEW database, including creating tables, queries, forms, reports, and advanced formatting tools.

Some sample Access ideas include (1) inventory of technology at work, (2) inventory of your home/possessions for insurance purposes, (3) a list of all contact information you have on others.


Our project MUST include the following:

1. Three tables that are linked (a minimum of 10 records per table).
2. Two types of queries.
3. Two types of forms.
4. Two types of reports.
5. Advanced formatting tools.
6. Organized, formatted, and professionally presented Access file, including grammar items (correct spelling, etc.).

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