Applying the code of ethics
Assignment Instructions
As you have learned in this course, teachers serve as role models and your conduct, both on and off the job, can significantly impact your professional image. In this project, you are to read each scenario and answer the questions that follow. Your answers should be written in paragraph form and the overall project should not exceed two to three pages.
It is highly recommended that you use the Grading Rubric guide.
You will be graded on the following criteria:
1. Identification of the behavior
2. Standard cited
3. A justification for your responses
4. Alternative behavior
5. Spelling and grammar
Here is a copy of the North Carolina Standards of Professional Conduct.
Select either the Elementary Ethical Dilemmas or the Secondary Ethical Dilemmas to respond. ***Do not complete both Dilemmas
For each scenario, you are to write a short paragraph that will:
Identify the ethical behavior/dilemma
Cite the standard of professional behavior from the Code of Ethics the action violates using the number, letter and roman numeral where appropriate
Provide justification for your selection of the standard
Describe an alternate behavior that is detailed and appropriate to take in that situation
Use professional language, spelling, and grammar