Its320 week1 cirtical thinking | Computer Science homework help
Jodie Wood-ITS320 Basic Programming-Dr.L.Hamons-Week 1 Critical Thinking
Instructions: Demonstrate understanding of basic programming concepts by:
1.Constructing a simple flowchart that describes simple logic flow through a program;
2.Translating the flowchart into pseudo code;
3.Creating a simple module, based on the pseudo code created in step 2, which accepts a parameter and returns a value.
Submit your completed assignment (Parts 1-3) to your instructor for grading.
Demonstrate understanding of basic programming concepts by:
1.Constructing a simple flowchart that describes simple logic flow through a program;
2.Translating the flowchart into pseudo code;
3.Creating a simple module, based on the pseudo code created in step 2, which accepts a parameter and returns a value.