Professional communication project part 4
My Career field is Network Systems Administration. I’m still in school for it, But I’ve been fixing computers for friends and family for over a decade. All Project Parts will be uploaded in a .rar file below. This is an EASY assignment.
Project Part 4 is a compilation of Project Parts 1, 2,
and 3 with an addition of one new document that
showcases your skills in a particular field.
Project Part 4 Details:
To complete this assessment:
1. Gather Project Parts 1, 2, and 3 (selfmarketing
plan, résumé, and cover letter)
and edit and revise them based on
instructor comments.
Note: Although you wrote two résumés and
three cover letters for these project parts,
you should only include one résumé and
one cover letter. Choose the résumé and
cover letter that best showcase your skills
and abilities and are most relevant to your
job search.
2. Then, include a sample of your work in
your field. For example, if you are a nurse,
you could describe some of your skills,
certifications, and experience in more detail.
If you are a teacher, you could provide a
project lesson plan. If you are in law
enforcement, you could describe your
certifications, personal outlook on law
enforcement, and other relevant
information. Use something that will quickly
give a future employer an example of what
you bring to a particular job.
Note: Although many people write up this
last part of this project as a Word
document, you can also use other formats
(PowerPoint, videos, etc.) if you would like.
Please consult with your instructor if you
would like to include a non-traditional
format that can’t be done in a Word
document to showcase your work.