Program evaluation | Psychology homework help
Refer to your response and the feedback you received in the first Unit 7 discussion, Using Data, which addressed a data profile of Model Middle School. Compiling your response to that discussion and the critique (the feedback you received from fellow learners), incorporate your findings into a one-page outline covering the following:
- Outline the identified gaps or needs in the school (Model Middle School).
- Outline a program to address those gaps or needs. Include prevention (such as classroom guidance) and intervention (such as individual or small group counseling), as appropriate.
- Analyze your original suggestions, as posted in the Unit 7 discussion, and the manner in which your program design changed as a result of that analysis. This can also be written in outline format.
- Address academic, career, personal-social, and developmental needs in your program outline.
When examining and analyzing the School Profile Data, several patterns and/or trends were visible. First, attendance rates of all ethnic groups have declined slightly but steadily since the 2009-2010 school year. Next, the Hispanic/Latino population increased from 19 to 28%, more than any other group from the 2009/2010 to the 2010/2011 school year.
The percentage of African American students with disabilities has climbed over the span of 3 school years, while it has declined or stayed the same for all other populations. The number of economically disadvantaged students has increased each year.
With regard to weapons offenses, the percentage of incidents against students increased by 6% and 7% from 2009/2010 to 2010-2011 and 2010/2011 to 2011/2012. Offenses against staff members, however, jumped 1% between the first 2 school years, and jumped a whopping 20% during the last 2 years. Technology offenses have climbed steadily and consistently.
On the 7th grade English Proficiency test, the number of students who passed the test has stayed at 73% or 74% each year for all groups combined. White students and Limited English Proficient students are two groups that have both decreased in their passing rates since 2009. On the 8th grade math proficiency test, it is the Hispanic/Latino population and the Limited English Proficient students who have seen the most decline in their passing rates. The most recent percentage of passing rate on the 7thgrade English Proficiency Test is below the state’s passing rate needed for accreditation, and the 8th grade math passing rate is right at the state passing rate.
In order to address some of the findings of the school’s data, I believe that a small group should be initiated for Hispanic/Latino students, because of the large increase in this group’s population over the past three school years, and their declining rate of passage on the 8th grade state math test. It would also be important for the staff and intervention specialists to focus in on students who are borderline for passing the English state test, since this rate of passage is below the state level.
Finally, it is necessary for the staff to undergo professional development and training in the field of weapons offenses and managing this type of behavior in schools. With such a large jump of offenses against staff members, action should be taken promptly to improve these statistics. It might also be necessary to provide anger management counseling or behavioral services for the students who seem to be repeat offenders.
Following the D.A.T.A. model offered by ASCA (Davis, 2015), I would ask the question “What is the current perception from teachers and students regarding the reasons for the rise in weapons offenses against staff members?” Data collection would include an anonymous survey of all teachers, administration, and staff members, and a similar survey, including questions about the possible causes or triggers of these offenses for students.