Python while loop | Computer Science homework help

# Name: 
# While Loop Exercise
#   Overview:
#     * This assignment contains "questions" each comprised of 
#       a print statement that specifies what the output for
#       that "question" should look like.
#     * Write a single while loop for each "question".
#   Instructions:
#     * Copy this file and add while statements to get the 
#       specified behavior.
#     * Do not delete anything from this file.
#     * Fill in your name at the top of the file.
#     * The first exercise is implemented as an example.
#     * Implement the while loops one at a time in the
#       order they occur in the file.
#     * Test your program with various inputs and make sure 
#       each loop is correct before going on to the next.
#     * If the end value is not in the sequence then the last
#       number output should be the last number in the sequence
#       less than the end value.
#   Requirements:
#     * See the requiremets on the assignment page.
#   Points will be deducted for requirements not fulfilled.
#   Run notes:
#     * The input will cause the prompt message to be output
#       and will wait for the user to type a number.
#     * After the input statement has executed the variable limit
#       will have for its value the value the user typed.
#     * If, for example, limit has the value 10 the the expression
#       (limit - 1) is 9, thus 1 2 3 ... (limit - 1) means
#       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
#   Print command notes:
#     * Use a print similar to the one given in the first loop
#       to cause a space only (on newline) between each output
#   Implementation notes:
#     * If the sequence is not clear plug a specific value in
#       for limit (8 or 10 for example) and see what it looks like.
#     * If the last value specified for output not in the 
#       sequence then output then output the value that
#       occurs in the sequence immediately before it
#       as the last value output.
#   Additional notes for specific loops:
#      9. What happens if limit is odd? (Just observe what happens.)
#     12. Example output with limit of 10: 10 7 4 1
#     13. Example output with limit of 6:  -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
#     15. Example output with limit of 6:  -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
#     16. The output will be floats due to the necessary division.
#         Example output with limit of 10: -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
#         What happens if limit is odd? (Just observe what happens.)
#     17. The output will be floats due to the necessary division.
#         Define and use a variable named half_limit 
#         What happens if limit is odd? (Just observe what happens.)
#     18. Do not use the exponentiation operator **.
#         Use the counter variable to compute each square.
#     19. Output limit number of factorials.
#         ! denotes factorial, example:
#         5! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5
#         Use a variable named factorial to accumulate the factorial in.
#         Each iteration use the accumulated value and the loop
#          counter to compute the next factorial value.
#     20. Output powers of 2.
#         There should be limit number of powers output.
#         Do not use the exponentiation operator **.
#         Use a variable named powers to accumulate the powers in.
#         (Each iteration use the accumulated value and
#          compute the next power of 2 value.)
#     21. Output a single value only, the sum.
#         If the value in limit is 4 the output value should be 10 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4).
#         Use a variable named sum to accumulate the sum in.
#         (Each iteration use the accumulated value and the loop
#          counter to compute the next sum value.)
# Prompt, input a value
limit = input('Enter a value for limit: ')
limit = int(limit)

# Output the value of limit
print("limit =", limit )

print('1.) Output:  1 2 3 4 ... (limit - 1)')
ctr = 1
while ctr <= (limit - 1):
  print(ctr, end=' ')
  ctr = ctr + 1

print('nn2.)  Output:  1 2 3 4 ...  limit')

print('nn3.) Output:  0 1 2 3 ... limit')

print('nn4.) Output:  0 1 2 3 ... (limit - 1)')

print('nn5.) Output:  0 2 4 6 ... limit')

print('nn6.) Output:  1 3 5 7 ... (limit - 1)')

print('nn7.) Output:  limit ... 3 2 1 0')

print('nn8.) Output:  (limit - 1) ... 4 3 2 1')

print('nn9.) Output:  limit ... 6 4 2 0')

print('nn10.) Output:  0 3 6 9 ... limit')

print('nn11.) Output:  1 4 7 10 ... limit')

print('nn12.) Output:  limit (limit - 3) (limit - 6) ... 0')

print('nn13.) Output:  -limit, -limit + 1, -limit + 2 ... 0')

print('nn14.) Output:  -limit, -limit + 1, -limit + 2 ... (limit - 1) limit')

print('nn15.) Output:  -limit, -limit + 2, -limit + 4 ... (limit - 2) limit')

print('nn16.) Output:  -(limit / 2) ... -2 -1 0')

print('nn17.) Output:  -(limit / 2) ... -2 -1 0 1 2 ... (limit / 2)')

print('nn18.) Output:  1 4 9 16 25 ... limit_squared')

print('nn19.) Output:  1 2 6 24 120 ... limit!')

print('nn20.) Output:  1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 ...')

print('nn21.) Output the sum: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + limit')


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