Reflective journal 2: ethics of means and ends
1. Explain the ethical approach concerning means and ends that you would apply if you had a role as the chief of police in the city and state of your choice.
Weight: 85%
Did not submit or incompletely explained the ethical approach concerning means and ends that you would apply if you had a role as the chief of police in the city and state of your choice.
Insufficiently explained the ethical approach concerning means and ends that you would apply if you had a role as the chief of police in the city and state of your choice.
Partially explained the ethical approach concerning means and ends that you would apply if you had a role as the chief of police in the city and state of your choice.
Satisfactorily explained the ethical approach concerning means and ends that you would apply if you had a role as the chief of police in the city and state of your choice.
Thoroughly explained the ethical approach concerning means and ends that you would apply if you had a role as the chief of police in the city and state of your choice.
2. Complete the page requirement.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely completed page requirement.
Insufficiently completed page requirement.
Partially completed page requirement.
Satisfactorily completed page requirement.
Thoroughly completed page requirement.