Wk 8-2 ao | Psychology homework help

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A couple eating disorders are anorexia and binge-eating. Anorexia is the eating disorder of being extremely thin and extreme weight loss (Comer & Comer, 2021). Diets can start this disorder to form while traumatic events could cause the disorder to show, and the treatments would be cognitive behavior therapy since certain life events can trigger the disorder. 

Binge-eating is frequent times of binge eating and the person does not have control over their eating habits (Comer & Comer, 2021). The treatment for binge eating would be cognitive therapy as well. I think that these types of therapies are the best treatments because there are underlying reasons behind these disorders. Since therapy and treatment centers are proven to help, these methods are the best to try to decrease the chances of the person being treated and then dealing with the disorder again to the extent (Bergh et al, 2013). They are not random, and they do not just happen, therefore these therapy methods could help to treat not only the disorder but the underlying reasons behind the disorder too. 

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