(formulate a career plan) please ask me any question you need to know

(ECE205: Introduction to Child Development my class)

 Identify, Research, Plan, Act, Revise (IRPAR)

Your desired profession likely played a major role in your selected field of study and the degree you plan to earn. Knowing the career you want to pursue is an important first step to creating a professional guide and personal framework to achieve your career goals. To ensure that you achieve your goals it is helpful to develop a plan of action, prioritize your goals and proceed according to your plan. Please keep in mind that your Career Plan is a work in progress. As you acquire additional career resources and professional knowledge, you may find it helpful to revise your plan and continue your learning to meet your goals. 

For this journal, you will research the requirements for your potential career path, reflect on your current skill set, and begin to examine the steps necessary to reach your career goals. The purpose for this journal is to help you create an organized career plan using the resources provided below.

To prepare for this journal, begin by reading the Career Planning Step-by-Step article that discusses the importance of developing a clear career plan.  Next, consider how you can develop your personal plan.

Creating Your Career Plan 
For additional details, view the presentation How do I build my career path? 

  • Identify the job title you hope to enter 
  • Establish your career/professional goals 
  • Identify your competencies and professional preferences 
  • Analyze your career –specific competencies 
  • Create a professional development plan to achieve your career goals 
  • Revisit and revise as needed 

In a one-to-two page word document or equivalent Power Point:

  • Identify your long-term goals (What do you hope to accomplish in the next five-to-ten years?) 
  • Explore the skills and qualifications related to this type of role
  • Discuss the anticipated resources necessary to meet  the goals you identified

For additional guidance, see the following recommended resources: 


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