Hrm 310 week 4 communicating change presentation
Week 4:
Learning Team Assignment Communicating Change Presentation
This assignment continues your Learning Team assignment from Week Two. Assume the same
role of a midlevel manager at the selected organization. In this management position,
you supervise two to four first-level managers. The organization is about to go
through a major change such as a move to new location, added technology, streamline of
the workforce with more shared responsibilities, and so forth. In preparation for this
change, you must create a presentation to your employees to guide them in successfully
managing the change with their entry-level employees.
Resource: Change Management Memo assignment from Week Two
Create a 12- to 15-slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker’s notes. The
presentation must include the following:
Discuss the leadership role you expect your management team to have in implementing
the change.
Explain the need to communicate the shared vision for the entire organization.
Share at least three communication tools that can be used to communicate the shared
vision and ensure employee understanding.
Discuss the importance of enlisting the employee involvement.
Describe at least three examples of how to enlist employee involvement in response to
this change.
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.