Need help with statistics for social science



Statistics for Social Science
Credit Hours 3
Length of Course 8 Weeks




Course Description (Catalog)

This course is designed to provide a basic survey of the application, empirical use and interpretation of a variety of statistics methods used in the social sciences. A key objective of the course is the instruction in best statistical practice through the use, exploration and analysis of empirical data.  Emphasis will be placed on understanding and interpreting the meaning of statistics.  The practical aspects of statistics are emphasized and students are instructed in the use of the standard statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) which is widely used in the social sciences and the in labor force. This course is part of a series including SOCI 331 Research Methods for the Social Sciences and SOCI 332 Statistics for the Social Sciences.


The student will develop an ability to use sociological concepts, theory, and research to think critically and act intelligently in interactions with (and observations of) individuals, groups, institutions, and societies.



Upon completion of this course students will be able to:  


CO1- Describe and apply the concepts and logic of elementary statistics.

CO2- Conduct statistical analysis in SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).

CO3- Compare and contrast different types of data and the statistics that can be used to analyze them

CO4- Examine the differences between descriptive and inferential statistics and their use in the social sciences.

CO5- Form critical interpretations of quantitative research literature in sociology and other social sciences.

CO6- Complete and interpret descriptive and inferential statistical data analysis

CO7- Develop a research project from conceptualizing a research problem and develop a number of complementary design, measurement, and data collection approaches to bring evidence to bear on the problem.


CO8- Critically evaluate the quality of research design and evidence in published social research. 






General Social Survey Dataset

SPSS Software




          SPSS (more details under Welcome Announcements in the Sakai classroom)

          Microsoft Office Applications- Word, Power Point (these can be downloaded free of charge from your student email account)

          Screencast-o-matic or similar program



Participation in classroom dialogue on threaded Forums is required. Forums are scheduled weekly and found in the Forums tab in the classroom. Specific instructions and the grading rubric are located on each Forum.


This course includes three Assignments.  Instructions and specific grading rubrics are found under the Assignments tab in our classroom.




% of Final Grade


Forum (Week 1 to 7)




Week 8 Forum




Assignment 1




Assignment 2



Assignment 3

Final Portfolio Project












Assigned Readings


Week 1: Preparing for Data Analysis

·         Chapters 1-4

1)    Complete the Required Introduction Forum

2)      Week 1 Forum  

Due by 11:55pm ET on Sunday of Week 1

Week 2: Univariate Analysis

·         Chapters 5-7

1)      Week 2 Forum    


Due by 11:55pm ET on Sunday of Week 2

Week 3 Univariate vs. Bivariate Analysis

·         Chapters 8-10

·         Crosstabs Handout

·         Garrison article

1)      Week 3 Forum     

2)      Assignment 1 Due


Due by 11:55pm ET on Sunday of Week 3

Week 4 Previous Literature and Cause and Effect

·         Chapters 11-12

1)      Week 4 Forum


Due by 11:55pm  ET on Sunday of Week 4

Week 5 Measures of Association, Correlation, and Regression

·         Chapters 13 & 14

1)      Week 5 Forum     


Due by 11:55pm ET on Sunday of Week 5

Week 6 Tests of Significance

·         Chapters 15 & 16

1)      Week 6 Forum    

2)      Assignment 2 Due


Due by 11:55pm ET on Sunday of Week 6

Week 7 Multiple Causation

·         Chapters 17-20

1)      Week 7 Forum     

2)      Final Portfolio Project Due


Due by 11:55pm ET on Sunday of Week 7

Week 8 Statistical Wrap-Up

·         Chapters 21 & 22

1)      Week 8 Forum- Post Presentations     


Due by 11:55pm ET on Sunday of Week 8


Click the student handbook link to view APUS Academic Policies


Academic Integrity and Plagiarism:  All writing must be in the student’s own words with content based on published materials paraphrased (defined as restating what one has read in one’s own words).  Copying published material violates the University policy on academic integrity and plagiarism, is prohibited in this course and will result in a score of zero for the first incident, without an option for revision and resubmission to recoup lost points and a report of the student action to the Registrar’s Office. 



SOCI332 Late Policy

Per the Student Handbook, APUS classrooms operate the Eastern Time Zone/Eastern Daylight Time.  All due dates and times are based on the Eastern Time Zone/Eastern Daylight Time. Students are expected to submit work by the posted due date and to complete the course according to the published class schedule.  As adults and working professionals, time management skills are essential and expected.  Work ahead when possible in case something unexpected comes up on a due date.  If you wait until a due date and life happens (illness, internet outage, vacation, forget, other work and family priorities, etc.), the class is designed so some late work is accepted, for partial or full credit, as detailed below. Please note: you cannot “catch up” your past due homework without instructor’s prior authorization. Any “catch up” homework without instructor’s prior authorization will NOT be graded.


  • Forums:
    • Initial posts accepted late but due during the learning week for partial credit.  
    • Peer responses are due during the learning week and are not accepted late for credit
  • Assignments:
    • Accepted up to three days late for partial credit, 10% tardiness penalty per day (30% total). For day four after the due date, it is an automatic “0.”



Rare emergency circumstances need to be discussed with the Instructor and documentation may be required.  As needed, the instructor will refer students to the appropriate support office such as the Disability Office, Registrar, or Chaplain.  Per the Student Handbook, work must be submitted by the end of the course.  This means that for Week 8, late Assignments and Forums are not accepted unless the student has an approved course extension.

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