There have been many studies conducted on the relative weakness of

Explore and discuss the definition and principles of social engineering and its relevance to information security.

·Definition of social engineering.

· Discuss how social engineering can be used as a method for gain access to information or systems.

· Discuss the key challenges of protecting information against social engineering attacks.

· Discuss relevant tools and mechanisms that may be used to protect against social engineering attacks.

A clear and accurate definition of social engineering has been discussed. The student has comprehensively addressed the task, demonstrating an excellent conceptual understanding of how social engineering is used to gain access to information or systems. They have discussed in detail a range of challenges with respect to social engineering and have related each challenge with clarity to a range of protective tools and mechanisms that can be used by security professionals. The student has fully addressed all of the essay criteria.


Selection of a range of material which is relevant to the topic. Integration of material sourced from literature to support the ideas expressed in the essay. Minimum of 8 references 4 of which must be relevant, refereed, journal articles located by the student.


Excellent independent identification of an extensive range of literature which is: relevant; current; authoritative; and which includes multiple publication types. Substantially exceeds the minimum number of required references, demonstrating excellent skills in searching for relevant and credible literature. Excellent linkage and integration. Has developed and justified using own ideas based on publications which have been thoroughly analysed, applied and discussed to illustrate and justify the discussion.


A successful Masters student must write clearly and purposefully in English using vocabulary and language that suits the writing task and addresses their intended audience.

Writing demonstrates clarity of intention, purpose, and approach to the topic.

Written expression is clear, fluent and well-structured:

· Sentences are well structured, with good use of vocabulary, and with minimal or no grammatical and punctuation errors.

· Paragraphs are structured to present a flow of ideas.

· The written piece is well-formatted with minimal or no spelling or proofreading errors.

· Language is used to convey a clear meaning to the intended audience.

Writing style conveys a clear and meaningful interpretation of the task, based on confidence in knowledge and ability to clearly communicate complex concepts and ideas.

Presented in 1.5 line spacing, with wide margins, page numbers and suitable type-size. 

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