Environmental proposal paper (portion) | Social Science homework help
I need to come up with an environment with in a resort (Baderman Island Resort) that supports team functioning and learning and that allows for sustainable innovation and creativity. i must also include the rationale for the proposed environment.
The yellow portion of the outline is mine. I need this as soon as possible. I have attached the intoduction and conclustion for the entire paper if this helps.
I. Introduction (Jack)
II. Brief Background of Baderman Island Resort (India)
III. Recommended Strategies (Jack)
A. Recommend one strategy to create alliances between Baderman Island
Resort and its networked internal stakeholders.
B. Recommend one strategy to create alliances between Baderman Island Resort
and its networked external stakeholders.
IV. Difference between Leadership and Management (India)
A. Define what are leadership and management
B. Explain the differences between leadership and management
C. Explain how the differences affect networking within Baderman Island Resort.
V. Proposal (Natasha)
A. Propose an environment that is supportive of team functioning and learning and
that allows for sustainable innovation and creativity within Baderman Island
B. Rationale for your proposal
VI. Conclusion
A. Summarize all the above