Would you please help me with my assignment?
SOC 302: Marriage and the family
Movie writing assignment
This is where I leave you displays a wide variety of family situations. This course explores how marriages and families are formed, change over time, and function with society. Also examined in this course are conflict and resolution within families. The question is: How does This is where I leave you reflect the contents (subject matter) and constructs (theories) underlying this course? In order to answer this question, it is compulsory to watch and then analyze the movie.
part 1 – Assignment Details:
Watch This is where I leave you.
The movie has been added to the Digital Campus by Swank database which can be accessed at http://digitalcampus.swankmp.net.mylibrary.wilmu.edu/wilmu281984#/browse (or you could just search the library website).
Analyze the movie. Identify and examine the central theme in This is where I leave you. Identify and investigate all of the movies supporting ideas and the relationships among these ideas and how they connect with the central theme.
In a 4-6 page critique, do the following:
Explain the central theme in This is where I leave you.
Summarize all of the movies supporting ideas and explain the relationships among these ideas and how they connect with the central theme.
Ultimately, answer this question: How does This is where I leave you reflect the contents and constructs underlying this course? Use the answer(s) to this question to develop the introduction and conclusion paragraphs of your critique.
Your Critique must be written using APA format and style:
Your critique must have a properly formatted title page, and running head.
The general format must include 12-point APA approved font, one-inch margins all around, double space between all lines and between paragraphs, including references.
Your critique must have a properly formatted references page.
In-text citations and references must be provided. Each in-text citation must be compatible with a reference on the references page.
Use the movie and your textbook as references.
Follow APA rules for crediting sources and formatting references specific to Audiovisual Media (motion picture) when citing the movie and formatting the movie reference on the references page.
If you need additional sources to support your critique, use scholarly journal articles only.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
Due date for this assignment is determined by the instructor.
The Grading Rubric for This is where I leave you Writing Assignment is used to grade this assignment.
part 2 – This is Where I Leave You: Oral Presentation
In-class Oral Presentation
The Assignment
Students will develop PowerPoint slides and make an oral in-class presentation about This is Where I Leave You.” Online students will make the oral presentation via Kaltura video which willbeviewed by all students in the course. Face-to-Face (F2F) students will make the oral presentation live in class.
Topic: “This is Where I Leave You.
Description and details:
Online and F2F students will prepare a minimum of 10 PowerPoint content slides (15 maximum), representing a comprehensive coverage of This is Where I Leave You Movie.
Include a cover slide and a references slide. These two slides are additional to the content slides.
The cover slide will follow APA format and style for title, student name, and institution.
A running head is not required.
The references slide will follow APA style for reference formatting.
Students are free to be creative; but keep in mind that inappropriate content of any type is unacceptable, and will result in no credit for the assignment. Please ask the instructor for clarification if you are not sure what constitutes appropriate/inappropriate content.
A F2F student who fails to present her/his PowerPoint presentation live in class will receive zero
(0) for the assignment, even if the student submitted the assignment in Blackboard. The exception is a legitimate excuse will allow a non-presenter to receive a maximum (not a guarantee) of 50 percent of possible points, provided the student produces documentation verifying the legitimate excuse. A legitimate excuse would be a medical emergency, family emergency, auto accident, or any other extreme circumstance beyond a student’s control. Regardless of the circumstance, verification documentation is required. A student who fails to submit the assignment by the specified due date automatically receives zero (0) for the assignment.
Learning objectives:
Use appropriate writing and oral communication skills. Communicate information orally in a logical and grammatically correct manner.