Fun with naxos quiz | English homework help

Usually the best search term to use, when possible is

To share music from Naxos Music Library,  just copying and pasting the url in the top of my browser window works fine.

Sharing music from Naxos Music Library is only effective when using the static url.

The static url for a Naxos selection must be copied and pasted from the information displayed after you click the buttion “show static urls”

If you can’t find music in Naxos for a discussion posting or term paper using one search, it probably does not exist

It is not possible to use a static url to share all of the movements of a piece.

It is possible to share an entire multi-movement piece using a Naxos static url.

The static url you use in MUS 301 or 302 must take the user directly to exactly the music you are covering in your posting or paper.

Linking an entire album is OK when you are writing about just a single movement; the reader can scroll through all its racks and find it on their own time.

It is a good idea to use the LOGOUT red button each time you finish listening in Naxos Music library.






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