Bus421 case 3 assignment | Human Resource Management homework help

Case Study Assignment 3 The case study assignment for module3draws on the following textbook case: Case12: “Google’s strategy in 2010,” byJohn E. Gamble, C174–C193. Read case12in the textbook, and then respond to the casequestions given below. (See “A Guide to Case Analysis” for further guidance on written case analysis.) In addition to using theGooglecase study provided in the textbook, research the company further to find any relevant events that have transpired since the writing of the case study. Use the company’s Web site, Internet search engines such as Google, online data services, or other sources to locate the latest articles about the company including press releases and current financial information. Be sure to cite allsources according to APA guidelines (see also Appendix: A Note about Documentation).

Case Questions

1. Explain Google’s business model.



1. Examine the financial reports in the case to determine the company’s profitability, liquidity, leverage andactivity ratios. Based on these ratios what is your assessment of the company’s performance? Justify your answer.



1. Perform a SWOT analysis of Google.



4. Describe Google’s value chain. What is the source of the company’s competitive advantage?

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