Hcs 449 week 4 individual professional career action plan (a+++++++++

HCS 449 Week 4 Individual Professional Career Action Plan.

Resource: Professional Career Action Plan Grading Criteria

In addition to the personal goals you set in Week Three, this week you will be setting professional career goals. These are goals that relate to your chosen career, what type of job you want, and what steps you need to take to secure that job. These include gaining skills to include on your resume and a look at what hiring managers will focus on. You will do a gap analysis, where you identify the skills you currently posses and those you need to posses in your chosen career. This will help prepare you for job searches and interviews.

Review the American Council for Health Care Executives (ACHE) Career Management 101 workshop site. A link is provided on the student website.

Create a professional career plan using the University of Phoenix Material: Professional Career Action Plan Outline.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper, based on your action plan outline, addressing the following questions:

What are your professional goals?
What job do you plan to have in the health care sector?
What skills for this job do you currently have?
Which skills do you need to change or alter?
What is your plan for ultimately achieving these professional goals?
What professional organizations can help you achieve these goals?
What benefit does your career action plan outline provide?



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