Human services paper | Human Resource Management homework help

    1. History of Human Services. Discuss the history of helping behavior and human services in western culture. What factors have influenced our ability and willingness to help society members?


    1. Changing Nature of Helping. Describe how societal circumstances shape helping behavior. Explain the principle of reciprocity and its relation to western cycles of giving and helping. Be sure to include such philosophies as means tested vs. universal programs, culture of poverty vs. opportunity theory, etc.


  1. Cycles of Helping. Discuss the cycles of helping in the American society as they relate to welfare, juvenile justice, mental illness, and criminal justice. In your opinion, are we doing enough in these areas? If not, why not?

Your assignment should be two- to three-pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and must include a minimum of three scholarly sources to substantiate your argument.  At least two of these must be scholarly, peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past five years.  Your paper and all sources must be formatted according to the APA guidelines

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