Long-range it plan focusing on innovation

we wrap up the course with a proposal on how you plan to create a culture of innovation in IT. You can use the Reynolds case for this paper or your own workplace environment, or another company. But, be specific. This isn’t a high level summary, you need to get into the weeds and offer a plan on how specific technology can can be innovative in the environment you choose. I’d lean toward using Reynolds since you’ve done so much work on it already. It’s a long range plan; where do you want the company to be in the coming years.

For this assignment, you will write a 3-page proposal detailing how you, as a senior IT manager, plan to create a culture of innovation in IT operations and integrate IT innovation into long-range strategic planning. The audience for this plan is senior leadership. Your proposal should include recommendations for specific technology innovations and a rationale for how you expect these innovations to drive business success.

Carefully read the attached Week 6 Assignment Instructions.

Review the attached Course Scenario.

Format your proposal according to APA guidelines.

Save it as a Microsoft® Word document.

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