Mgt 431 week 3 learning team assignment development and training paper

Learning Team Assignment: Development and Training Paper

Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper using a Learning Team member’s organization, or one with which you are familiar, and have access to the necessary information in order to identify an issue that can be improved by developing a training program. Use the five-step process below to develop the appropriate training program:

Needs assessment: What are the training needs?

Design: How might the training materials be created?

Development: What is the training medium? Training mediums include internal, external, contracted, or outsourced.

Implementation: How might the training be delivered?

Evaluation: How might you evaluate the effectiveness of the training? Also, how might you reinforce and sustain the training?

Note: Include an explanation of how these programs might contribute to maintaining a high performance organization.

Format your report according to APA standards.

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