Mh684b stand-alone project | Management homework help



MH684 Managed Health Care

Stand-Alone Project: Georgia’s Child-Safe Program (300 points)

You should begin working on the Stand-Alone Project early in the course. Each assignment provides a benchmark for completing the Stand-Alone Project in a timely manner while working through the course. You will find this information in the “Stand-Alone Project Benchmark” section of each assignment.

You are a consultant with Standard Managed Care, Inc., which contracts with public entities to teach them how to deliver public services (publicly funded programs) using managed care techniques. The State of Georgia has contracted with Standard to design a managed care system for Georgia’s Child-Safe program (fictional program). Child-Safe provides funding for Medicaid-eligible children with behavioral problems. You have been assigned the task of identifying ten (10) key issues with which the State of Georgia will need Standard’s assistance to design a managed care structure for the Child-Safe program, along with an analysis for each of the key issues you identify. Then provide alternative solutions to resolve each issue, but state which solution you think is most appropriate for the Child-Safe program and why. Use at least five (5) sources, formatted in APA style. (300 points) (A 20-page, double-spaced, response is required.)

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