System analysis-n system roles and business systems


Assignment 1: 

Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “Business Systems Roles” and reflect on only one (1) of the following:

What is the difference between a Systems Analysts, a Business Analyst, a Data Analyst and a super-users and what other ‘people’ roles deal with business systems?


This paper must be between 250-300 words on what caught your eye and reflect on what you read. 

Do not add extraneous text that does not address the question – do not add an introduction or conclusion.

Do not copy and paste text from the referenced resource.

You must provide at least one APA reference for your resource and corresponding in-text citations.

You must provide the referenced resource URL/DOI in the APA reference.

Do not use the Textbook as a referenced resource.

Assignment 2:

Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “Business Systems” and reflect on only one (1) of the following:topics:

“Systems Perspective”: What is a System Perspective?

“System Types”: Describe a type of systems that exists in an Business.

“Enterprise System”: Identify a type of enterprise system.

“Data Driven System”: Describe a data-driven system.


You must copy and paste the topic (“Systems Perspective” or “System Types” or “Enterprise System” or “Data Driven System”) at the start of your paper to provide a context for your answer.

This paper must be between 250-300 words on what caught your eye and reflect on what you read. 

Do not add extraneous text that does not address the question – do not add an introduction or conclusion.

Do not copy and paste text from the referenced resource.

You must provide at least one APA reference for your resource and corresponding in-text citations..

You must provide the referenced resource URL/DOI in the APA reference.

Do not use the Textbook as a referenced resource.

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