Week 5 writing assignment | maj | Wilmington University


Risk assessment,  threat management, and disaster response are critical elements across  all levels of government and the private sector. This partnership has  grown considerably since 9/11 and continues to evolve as it pertains to  manmade and natural disasters. For this assignment, you write a will  develop a response plan for the following scenario addressing the ten  questions below:  

Central City is fictional city that is part of Columbia County. The  Roaring River is located in Columbia County and runs through downtown  Central City. On March 8, after several days of unusually heavy rain and  melting mountain snow, the Roaring River overflowed, flooding Central  City’s downtown business area and the state’s utility complex. The  entire downtown area is underwater and without basic utilities (electric  and water). Business in the area has come to a standstill with many  small store owners fearing the worst once night sets in. Also affected  by the power outage is a nearby senior assisted living facility with  more than 500 elderly residents unable to leave and in need of medical  care. A low-income community located along the river’s edge has been  isolated from the rest of the city due to the rising floodwaters. Storm  and sewer drains are beginning to back up and garbage can be seen  floating in the streets.

Due to the lack of transportation, many city residents were unable to  leave the area when initial flood warnings were posted and are now  stranded. There have been numerous requests for medical attention in the  area, and several fires can be seen burning in the distance. Because  the river twists and turns throughout Columbia County, other cities  within the county are experiencing similar flooding conditions. The rain  is expected to continue for the next 12-24 hrs, followed by a drying  out and turning windy and cold.

  1. Who are the 1st responders? What are their responsibilities?
  2. What will be their biggest challenge?
  3. What will is an immediate concern and what can wait?
  4. What additional types of assistance (other than initial 1st responders) would be helpful here? How would they be used? 
  5. Does the fact that other Columbia County cities are also flooded and  experiencing similar problems affect Columbia County’s capabilities to  respond? What problems do you foresee? What are some solutions?
  6. How would you classify this incident? Is it a high likelihood-low impact or a low likelihood-high impact? Explain.
  7. Using the ICS, decide what type of command structure will be employed. Who will be part of your command structure?
  8. What two circumstances may turn this event from an emergency to a disaster and what are your options once that happens?
  9. What type of assistance can you expect from state? Describe the process for requesting state / federal assistance.
  10. Once the floodwaters recede and the conditions return to normal,  city council members will be looking for suggestions to avoid this type  of disaster in the future. What mitigation recommendations can you make?

Paper Submission Requirements

Resources for Assignment

This activity is matched to the following Learning Outcomes: Discuss  how protective measures are being implemented within public-private  partnerships within the homeland security sector. Analyze and discuss  the basic risk analysis principles. Examine and discuss the four phases  of disaster management.

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