Writing assignment 2 | Computer Science homework help


Assignment Instructions


The purpose of this assignment is for you to prepare an SRS (Software Requirements Specification) for the Case Study.


1.  Use the attached SRS template to create a preliminary draft of a Software Requirements Specification for the Case Study proposed in your Week 2 Case Study. 

2.  Name your SRS like SRSDraftLastnameFirstname

3.  Complete the Title Page, Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4.  Do not change the formatting of the SRS template but rather just add your content and remove the instructions in the angle brackets <> after you have completed the section.

4.  For the Appendix B Analysis Models you will choose whether you want to use the Structured Analysis and Design Technique or the Object oriented Analysis and Design Technique.

4.1  If you choose to use the Structured Analysis and Design Technique, you will develop a Level 0 Context DFD (Data Flow Diagram) and a Level 1 DFD for your Case Study.  See the Lessons for information on how to create these models.

4.2  If you  choose to use the Object oriented Analysis and Design Technique, you will develop a Use Case Diagram and Detailed Description for the Use Cases for your Case Study. See the Lessons for information on how to create these models.

5.   For an example SRS see the Cafeteria Ordering System SRS at https://imokymas.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/cos_srs.doc.

SRS Specification

Use this template for your SRS: srs_template-ieee.doc.

Grading Rubric

Your submission will be graded using the following grading Rubric.

Preliminary SRS Rubric.docx 

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