6541 final journal | Nursing homework help

Final journal

Be sure you address all of the bulleted items. Use each bullet as a heading for your journal entry.

  • Explain what most excited and/or concerned you throughout your pediatric clinical experience.
  • Discuss how your personal definition of family and family roles has changed or stayed the same.
  • How has your understanding of family and family roles influenced your assessment of children and their families?
  • Explain how your understanding of culture (both the culture of the provider and that of the child and his or her family) has changed and how it may have influenced the assessments you conducted during your practicum.
  • Assess how you did with accomplishing the goals and objectives you developed in Week 1 for the Practicum experience.
  • Based on your Practicum experience, refine your existing goals and/or develop new goals for your continued education and professional practice. Be sure to consider the NAPNAP Position Statement on Age Parameters for Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Practice Found in the Week 1 Learning Resources. See link below

 National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Professional Issues Committee. (2019). NAPNAP position statement on age parameters for pediatric nurse practitioner practice Links to an external site.. Journal of Pediatric Healthcare, 33(2), A9–A11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedhc.2018.10.007 

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