@_issc_660 wk 6 ass.. 2 page


Provide a basic discussion outlining the critical elements of Computer Software Security. 

  **** Find the attachment for BOOK ****   

 Computer Security Architecture and   Computer Software Security

Reading:   Chapter 8 and 9 

Stuart   Jacobs text

Forum Discussion Question #6*

Assignment #6*

Annotated Bibliography Due*


Write  2 page essay paper that discusses the topic avobe.  Your paper should be in APA format with viable sources to solidify your thoughts presented.  Your references must not be more than 5 years old and no more than one entity source and no more than one N.D source.  Wikipedia is not considered a valid source.  All references listed on the reference page must have a valid in text citation in the body of the paper.  This essay must be consistent with graduate level work.  You are strongly encouraged view the tips in the writing center to ensure your papers are properly formatted.

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