Applying leadership skills in exploring the roles for aprn

The ongoing changes in the health-care landscape are influenced most by globalization, economic and technological factors, and the aging of the population. The complexity of the healthcare environment requires us to examine the leadership needs for the APN roles that are applicable for today and the future (Joel, 2018). In chapter 21 (Leadership for APNs: If Not Now, Then When?) the author outlines serval leadership theories or styles including:

  • Situational or Contingency Leadership;
  • Servant Leadership;
  • Transformational or Transactional Leardershp;
  • Relational Leadership;
  • Clinical Leadership and Congruent Leadership.

Select one of the above leadership theories or style.

  1. Using your own words define the theory.
  2. Considering the various APN roles (Clinician, Educator, Researcher, Administrator, Entrepreneur, Consultant, and Leader) describe how you might use the leadership theory in your future APN role.
  3. From your experience as a professional nurse, give one example of the selected leadership theory or style as seen in action or provide an exemplary example.


Due 3/5//21

  • Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years
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