Assessment invitation from keiser university

I need help completing this test.

if i fail this test i won’t get accepted in to the school please help help !!

Keiser University has invited you to complete their assessment process:


  • Before beginning, please choose a quiet location where you will not be interrupted.
  • Verify you have a supported web browser. A list of supported web browsers is available here.
  • For some assessments it is recommended that you have available scratch paper and a pen/pencil.
  • Continue through the assessment process until you receive notice that “All necessary assessments have been completed.”
  • The length of time necessary to complete the assessment(s) varies. If you need to stop during the process it is recommended that you do so upon receipt of an “Intermission” page. At that point, you will need to re-enter by clicking on the link below.

When you are ready to begin, click here.

If you experience technical difficulties, please click here. You will be prompted to submit your system information to Wonderlic’s Client Services Department. A technical service representative will email or call you as soon as possible. 

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