Assignment: draft doctoral study prospectus

This assignment, will require you to develop major components of Section 1 of the Doctoral Study according to the DBA Doctoral Study Rubric standards.

To prepare for this Assignment, review page 5 in the DBA Doctoral Study Prospectus Guide, as well as Section 1.13 of the Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook for details on the Significance of the Study. Consider the ramifications of your proposed study for both business practice and promoting positive social change.

Submit your Doctoral Study Prospectus draft, using the Doctoral Study Template, and include the following elements:

  • Problem Statement
  • Purpose Statement
  • Nature of the Study
  • Central Research Question and Interview Questions (qualitative) or Research Question(s) and Hypotheses (quantitative)
  • Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
  • Significance of the Study
  • Review of the Professional and Academic Literature
  • Minimum of 10 peer-reviewed references

Please refer to the DBA Doctoral Study Prospectus Guide for more specific information about the length/requirements for each component in the Doctoral Study Prospectus.

Note: Be sure to use the Doctoral Study Template, found in this week’s Required Readings, to complete this Assignment. Also, refer to the Week 7 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

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