Cjhs 400 week 5 resource file and personal theory paper

CJHS 400 Week 5 Resource File and Personal Theory Paper (***** Part I and Part II + APA Format + References *****)


Part I: Resource File


Reflect on your previous assignments and the concepts, theories, and approaches you have learned about throughout the course.


Create a resource file to use in your future classes and in your career that includes the following:

  • Aone-sentence summary of each of the following major theories:
    • Psychotherapy
    • Therapeutic
    • Behavioral
    • Cognitive
    • Systems
    • Multicultural
  • At least two intervention strategies for each theory
  • When the strategies should be used
  • The type of client or setting where the strategy would work best

Be creative with this section of the assignment. Some possible ways the resource file can be presented are in a file folder, flash cards, poster, paper, handout, presentation, or a job aid.


Part II: Personal Theory Paper


Write a 350- to 700-word paper where you create your own intervention theory. You may combine theories or you can invent a completely new theory.


Include the following in your paper:

  • Explain your personal theory and why you believe in it.
  • Describe the theories and theorists that you relate to the best and why.
  • What surprised you most about the theories learned in class and why?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.



CJHS/400 Week 5 Resource File and Personal Theory Paper



CJHS400 Week 5 Individual Assignment Resource File and Personal Theory Paper

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