Class in the 17th & 18 centuries/ class structure and mobility in

– Read all of the secondary sources and select one of the primary documents assigned for the week. Write an essay in which you develop an argument about what your analysis of the document allows you to understand about class in the 17th and 18th centuries in the colonies and the Early Republic. As part of your argument, explain how your analysis of the document adds to or challenges the information and ideas about class in the secondary sources. Cite all your sources (primary and secondary) using APA style at the end of the essay. (250-350 words).

Introduction (1 paragraph. 50-75 words). Your introduction should clearly state your thesis and provide an overview of the main points you will make in your essay. Underline or highlight your thesis.

Body. (2-3 paragraphs.  200-250 words [total]). The main body of your essay should include the evidence and analysis that supports your thesis. Each paragraph should develop one main point and open with a topic sentence that clearly states that main point. Provide specific evidence from the primary source you selected and explain how the evidence supports your thesis. Also incorporate evidence from the secondary sources, explaining how it supports or challenges your thesis; if you are arguing the secondary source challenges your thesis, make a case for your interpretation.

Conclusion (1 paragraph. 50-75 words). Provide an overview of the main points you have made and identify briefly larger questions your analysis might raise or another context in which the issues could be examined.

Secondary Sources (Total: 5 articles) (Below is a PDF attachment-secondary source as well)

From the American Yawp:Consumption and Trade in the British Atlantic,” “Shay’s Rebellion,” and “Hamilton’s Financial System.” (Citation: Locke, J. and Wright, B. (2017). The American yawp. Retrieved from

Primary Sources (Total:1)

Feke, R. (1741). Royall Family. [Painting]. Retrieved from

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