Complete the addiction worksheet | Psychology homework help

***complete the worksheet*****

 While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines 


· Make sure you find clear definitions for each key term in the questions before you write your answer. You will lose points for showing an inaccurate understanding of the key terms.

You should use the textbook / research articles to learn the meaning of the following terms:

· Pharmacological Effect

· Physiological Effect

· Neurological Effect

· Psychological Effect

· Process Addictions

· Substance Use Disorders

· Rapport

· History of Addictions Issues

· Multidisciplinary Teams

Also, be sure to complete the chart at the end with SPECIFIC Theories mentioned in the textbook. DO NOT simply list “Psychological theory” and “Biological Theory.”

Also, make sure the theories / models you choose are actually what they are supposed to represent (i.e., psychological or biological).

NOTE: You are given a list of models / theories to fill in the chart. Choose CORRECT models. NOT ALL OF THEM ARE CORRECT. They are in the list to make sure you completed your reading thoroughly.

You need 3 Scholarly Resources not counting the textbook and websites for this assignment to award you full points as well.


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