Cyb/360 week 2 | Information Systems homework help


Site surveys are an important part of planning a secure wireless network. In this assignment, you will conduct a visual assessment of a familiar environment in order to produce a site survey.

Perform a basic assessment of a familiar environment (e.g., your home, work, or a local business). Identify the following:

  • Your goal (e.g., provide wireless coverage for a two-story house with two desktop computers and a printer)
  • Possible sources of interference
  • Existing wireless infrastructure
  • Potential access point placement
  • Potential antenna placement
  • Potential equipment and supporting equipment

Note: You may provide photographs to support the site survey.

Based on your visual inspection of the site, create a 1- to 2-page site survey. Provide your conclusions from your assessment and detail the following:

  • Methods of gathering information
  • Information gathered
  • Possible sources of interference
  • Existing wireless infrastructure
  • Recommendations for access point and antenna placement
  • Recommendations for equipment and supporting equipment

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