Deceptions | Information Systems homework help

 Select and research one of the many types of Deceptions and briefly provide a description, deployment (methods) and countermeasures.

  • Denial-of-service attacks
  • Trojan horses
  • Phishing
  • Etc.

Please make sure no Plagiarism and 500 words
Conduct your own research and post a relevant “short” summary of your findings. ( Stick to current data, not older than five years ). Use not more than three (3) references

Our society, economy, and critical infrastructures have become largely dependent on computer networks and information technology solutions. Cyber attacks become more attractive and potentially more disastrous as our dependence on information technology increases. According to the Symantec cybercrime report published in April 2012, cyber attacks cost US$114 billion each year. If the time lost by companies trying to recover from cyber attacks is counted, the total cost of cyber attacks would reach staggering US $385 billion.

Why cyber attacks flourish? It is because cyber attacks are cheaper, convenientand less risky than physical attacks  Cyber criminals only require a few expenses beyond a computer and an Internet connection. They are unconstrained by geography and distance. They are difficult to identity and prosecute due to anonymous nature of the Internet. Given that attacks against information technology systems are very attractive, it is expected that the number and sophistication of cyber attacks will keep growing. Many cybersecurity experts believe that Deception is the key choice of weapon to carry out malicious intends to breach cybersecurity efforts in the cyberspace 

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