Design and describe a care facility intended for infants aged six


Children learn and grow best in an environment designed with their particular needs in mind. This is your opportunity to design the ideal infant childcare facility. At the very least, it must address the children’s physical, psychological, and intellectual needs, without being overstimulating. Of course, safety is a big concern that you must address.

Focus Assignment

1. Describe the basic elements you would include in a childcare facility that would provide physical, psychological, and intellectual stimulation and learning opportunities in a comfortable, nurturing environment. List the safety precautions you would include and explain the importance of each one.
2. Be sure to read the SELF-EVALUATION section below to guide your thinking. Write your self-evaluation after you have completed mapping out your plan


1. For each component:
     a. Explain how this component addresses the issues in the scenario.

2. Describe and justify how your approach would improve teaching and learn in the scenario.

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