Diversity, equity, and social justice—learning from each other | EDUC 6164 – Perspectives on Diversity and Equity | Walden University

  • Review the media segment “Diversity and Equity Work: Lessons Learned.” Focus on the three key themes of this conversation:
    • The “lessons” each of the three early childhood professionals and  visionaries learned from their deeply engaged scholarly and practical  commitment to diversity, equity and social justice
    • The personal characteristics/dispositions each believe to be exceptionally significant and supportive of their diversity work
    • The role of passion in their work
  • Consider your responses to the following questions:
    • What are the three most significant “lessons” learned  from studying issues related to diversity, equity, and social justice in  this course—and what makes them significant?
    • Which personal characteristics/dispositions do I consider to  be my most valuable asset for my work with children and families from  varied backgrounds—and for what reason(s)?
    • Thinking about the statement, made by one of the panelists, “the  passion comes from the vision”: What is your interpretation of this  statement, and in what way(s), if any, can you relate to the connection  implied between professional passion and a vision regarding diversity?

I work with children in the elementary setting, Title I PreK classroom

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