Economic espionage is a serious threat to u.s. companies that rely on


Economic espionage is a serious threat to U.S. companies that rely on innovation. This assignment will be based on a true event. Before starting this assignment, review the following video transcript. It is from a CBS’s 60 Minutes, broadcast in January 2016.

The company featured on this video is victim of economic espionage. The CEO hired two specialists to help with the issue and prepare the response.

Based on information from the video (feel free to research additional sources, including company’s website because this story has been all over the news), assume that you are one of the experts hired. Prepare the assessment report that company’s management will use to make their legal case and revise policies to protect their intellectual property from future intrusions.

Make sure that your report includes the following:

  1. Investigation Plan
  2. Identify and explain at least five potential threats
  3. Identify and explain at least five vulnerabilities
  4. Identify and explain at least five risks
  5. Largest impact

Consider the following legal and regulatory sources for your report:

  1. Copyright
  2. Trademark
  3. Patent
  4. No Electronic Theft Act of 1997
  5. Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
  6. World Intellectual Property Organization
  7. Berne Convention
  8. WIPO Copyright Treaty of 1996
  9. Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2005
  10. Telephone Records and Privacy Protection Act of 2006

Your total report should be eight to ten pages long, of business quality, and follow the outline. Additionally, your report should be supported by no fewer than five scholarly sources in addition to your textbook and follow APA guidelines for formatting and style

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