Expansion of the mayberry satellite | NTC362 Fundamentals Of Networking | University of Phoenix


Review the Network Configuration Visio® document of the Mayberry Satellite Campus. This diagram will be used throughout the course.

Scenario: As an IT networking trainee for your organization, your supervisor has given you an assignment to extend the Mayberry Network to an additional space (see existing diagram). The organization has obtained a space to create a 20-station learning center and two classrooms at the existing location. Each classroom will have one computer for the instructor and a wireless access point for the students. Typically, your supervisor has used computers with an Intel Core i5 processor, 16 GB of RAM, a 500 GB hard drive and a 10/100/1000 Ethernet NIC, but wonders if a better solution is available and would like you to recommend a solution.

Develop a 1-page network diagram using Microsoft® Visio®, or one of the free network diagramming programs you researched in Week One, to create a drawing of the learning center. The diagram should include:

  • 22 computers that you specify
  • Detailed specification for cabling, routing and switching, and wireless or VLAN options to connect to the existing network
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