Firewall | Information Systems homework help

Complete Project 4.1, “The McAfee Firewall,” from Ch. 4, “Firewall Practical Applications,” of Network Defense and Countermeasures: Principles and Practices.

Write a 1-page reflection on the purpose and results of the exercise. In your reflection, examine the firewall’s configuration utilities and your attempt to send packets to blocked ports on that firewall.

  1. Title Page 
  2. The total paper must be 350 words (about 1 page but I will be looking at word count) 
  3. If a template is provided, you must use the template. 
  4. Use the bullets or key points in the instructions and create corresponding heading and sub headers. This way it will be obvious that you hit the key points 
  5. Include at least one references that are properly cited 
  6. Any images must have a caption and referenced in the paper. 
  7. Combine the screenshots and the remainder of the assignment into one APA formatted document. If you submit the assignment in multiple parts you will lose points   
  8. Follow APA format (fonts, etc) – For details on the formatting see the UOP library tab. 
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