Health & policy law brief analysis paper: state and local reform

Healthcare reform can take place at multiple levels of government and in the context of professional regulation. Pretend that you are a policy aide to a governor. How would you engage with key stakeholders to determine which reform efforts (in the areas of payment reform, medical malpractice, and patient access to preventive services) should be prioritized in your state? Clearly identify the potential key stakeholders and propose a plan for engagement. 

Healthcare reform can take place at multiple levels of government and in the context of professional regulation. Pretend that you are a policy aide to a governor. How would you engage with key stakeholders to determine which reform efforts (in the areas of payment reform, medical malpractice, and patient access to preventive services) should be prioritized in your state? Clearly identify the potential key stakeholders and propose a plan for engagement. 

Be sure to address each question in the given prompt and include the following elements: 

1.  Your analysis of the issue or situation 

2.  Your assessment of the impact on key stakeholders 

3.  Your clear recommendations on a course of action or policy 

Guidelines for Submission: Brief analysis papers should be 1–2 pages in length with one-inch margins, 12-point font, double spacing, and APA formatting for all references and in-text citations. 

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