Hrm 532 week 9 dq talent management research priorities and research

Week 9 Talent Management Research Priorities and Research Priorities and Resources”


Please respond to the following:  Considering the vast number of diverse groups represented in the workforce, create a brief research agenda that addresses how talent management strategy can proactively attract a diverse workforce. The course has covered a wide variety of talent management topics, and Chapter 22 highlights several ways to view the future of talent management. Review the talent management topics covered so far in this course. Prioritize five (5) of these topics and locate one potential resource for each using the Strayer Library. For instance, for the topic of equity-based pay, you might select the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance as a resource to gain more data about this topic. List your five (5) selected topics and resources, and provide a rationale as to why you selected these topics. 

Week 10 “International Events and Updated Strategies” 

Please respond to the following:  Note that the publication dates in the references in this chapter appear as pre-2008 years. Within the ensuing years from 2008 forward, discuss three key international events that may affect the leadership of talent management strategies. As you speculate how world events may have affected talent management, determine a method to refresh the talent management strategy of your organization. Keeping in mind that the world is ever changing and the needs to find and develop talent are changing along with it, describe how an updated approach is necessary and what it would look like.

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