Job interview | preparing for future work | Strayer University


During job interviews, potential employers often ask candidates to describe a time where they have demonstrated their initiative and/or results driven skills. This week, you’ll have a chance to practice. Describe a time at work, home, or school where there was a problem and you took the initiative to solve that problem and to seek results on your own. How did it go?

Consider using the accomplishments you listed in your assignment from last week to add to your story.

Remember to answer each part of the discussion prompt in a thoughtful, logical, and well organized manner. A substantial discussion forum response should make connections to course content, professional experiences, and personal experiences. Also, please respond to at least 1 learner in the class offering thoughtful ideas, asking follow-up questions, and demonstrating respect for others.

Discussion Tips:

  • Think about how you resolved the problem without anyone prompting you to resolve the problem.
  • Details, Details, Details! Please include lots of details in your discussion.
  • Always practice academic writing on the discussion board. Do not use slang or offensive language.
  • Take your time, be descriptive, and walk us through your thought process.
  • Review the Week 5 Discussion Checklist by clicking HERE.
  • WRK100 Library Guide
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