Lindsey case study | Human Resource Management homework help

 Read the Attached case and respond to the questions. 



  1. What can you say about the relationship between Lindsey and her director? Do you think he is a good manager/leader?
  2. What is happening to Lindsey’s attitude? Using the various theoretical constructs we have read, explain what Lindsey is feeling, how that is currently contributing to her performance, and to what outcomes it could possibly lead to over time. Justify your explanation.
  3. Now imagine that you were Lindsey’s boss and someone just came up and explained to you how your actions are affecting Lindsey and what they might lead to in the future. What do you do to fix the situation?

Submission Instructions:

  • Submit a word or text file (no mac files please) with your name in the header.
  • Clearly label the question you are answering.
  • Use Times New Roman, double spaced, 12″ font.
  • Use APA format for your citations and references.
  • Complete and submit the assignment by 9:00 PM ET Sunday.
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