Need to attend a recorded webinar, related to information technology


You need to attend a webinar that has to be related to Information technology/ Computers. For example it can be of Programming,Animation,Java,Database, Networking, Information security etc.

You need to follow following steps in order to make this assignment :

Need to look for a appropriate webinar.

Step 1 :

Write about the description of the webinar. what have you seen? who was the host? when this webinar has been attended ? what was its all about ?

Step 2 : SFIA frame work relation – 

Choose and Check which skills of SFIA skill list are being covered in this webinar and received information was at which level and explain about those skills a bit in details. Minimum two skills need to be listed. Here is the the link of SFIA skill list :

Step 3 : Relation to ACS CBOK

Same like SFIA skill list, please write which skills of ACS CBOK are covered in

the webinar and how? and also write about those skills in details.
Pdf File of ACS CBOK has been attached with this question.

Step 4 : Reflection
Write what have you learn in this webinar and how this information can help you in future in field of Information and technology.

Step 5 : Evidence
Please mention the website-link of webinar at bottom of report.

I have now attached the ACS CBOK.pdf and also are example of live seminar attended so that you can have an idea how to write this whole report.

Example is attached just to give an idea about the report that how it needs to be written. (Report is about live seminar but here we are watching webinar).

Words Limit of whole report can be around 4-500 words.
But please make sure it has covered every step which are mentioned above. Thanks

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