Packback 2 | English homework help

For this week’s Packback select a recent news article (within the past 12 months) from a reliable news outlet that relates to ethics in the workplace and improving the moral climate in the workplace. Use concepts and principles from the course to provide insight into your question and in your responses. 


In order to receive your 15 points per week, you must post:

  • 1 Question with a minimum Curiosity Score* of 70 (worth 7 points) NOTE: Use the BRIGHT RED ASK A NEW QUESTION BUTTON (located on your Packback community home page) to get credit for posting a question.
  • 1 Link to a news article from a reliable source that relates to the course content for the week and your Packback question. NOTE: The article you choose each week should drive the focus of your Packback Question.
  • 2 Answer Responses with a minimum Curiosity Score* of 70 (worth 4 points each for a total of 8 points)


When choosing a recent news article for the Packback Discussions, students can use any reputable news publication. Below are a few examples of appropriate publications and are available to all students free of charge through Penn State’s Student News Readership Program:

  • Wall Street Journal
  • New York Times
  • Centre Daily Times
  • Daily Collegian
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