Physical security has failed | Computer Science homework help


Project assignment is to have you do more research on the physical security topic. In theory, everything may look straight forward, however, in real life it might not be like that. In this project you will need to do some research and find an article where physical security has failed. It can be a server room breach, it can be a data center breach, and any scenario that physical security has failed would be your subject. I am sure there are many recent incidences that you are going to find.

Here is what needs to be done:

1. Find an article (from a reputable magazine or link) describing where physical security has failed.

2. Submit a review of this article. Propose a possible change in that organization’s physical security that could have prevented the breach/failure for that scenario. What do you think would have prevented the incident?

3. Submit 2 pages double spaced, APA style MS Word document.

5. Reference all sources used.

Remember that you must cite your sources (use both an in-text citation and a formatted reference)

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