Project phase 3 | Computer Science homework help


Unit 3 Project Phase 3 Downloadable InstructionsPreview the document

Congratulations, you have set up a new network in a rural area that  will be serving a small neighborhood. Your network currently consist of 6  houses but is expected to grow to include all of the 500 houses in your  area. The only other network alternative to your system is satellite  networking which is very slow and prone to outages. You will be  providing both cable TV and internet access through your network so make  sure you are providing enough speed in your network for your customers.

You will be using the following packet tracer file:s




Download the project instructions. Type your class number:  10.___.0.0/16 in all of the underline ___ indicators, answer the  questions as you go through the steps and add the screenshots where  indicated in the instructions document. Save using the following file  naming convention YourFirst_LastName_Project_Phase_3.  Submit the  document with the screenshots using the upload instruction. 

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