Smart card versus authenticator app


The Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card is used in non-military government agencies for authentication and identification to gain access to systems, networks, and online resources. These cards, in combination with a personal identification number, meet two-factor requirements. PIV credentials also are designed to help reduce counterfeiting and are tamper-resistant.

An authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator, is another method to achieve two-factor authentication. It is a free app available for installation on mobile devices.

The U.S. federal government authorizes the use of PIVs as well as authenticator apps, depending on the circumstances.

Answer the following question(s):

  1. In what type of situation would an authenticator app provide adequate two-factor authentication for federal government use? Provide rationale or a citation for your answer.
  2. In what type of situation would a PIV be required for federal government use? Provide rationale or a citation for your answer.

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