Traditional, agile, and hybrid | Economics homework help

 Using your knowledge of Traditional, Agile, and Hybrid answer the following:Agile:

  1. Explain how iterative project processes help expose requirements?
  2. Explain how iterative project process help manage risks associated with changing requirements?
  3. Identify and categorize new projects, products, and organizational risks to which Agile projects are susceptible. 
  4. Identify and categorize new projects, products, and organizational risks to which Traditional projects are susceptible. 
  5. Describe the characteristics of leadership required in an agile project.  Which characteristics are the same and which are different when leading a waterfall project?  


  1. Describe a hybrid project management process?
  2. Describe the benefits to a company for creating a hybrid process? 


  1. What are the benefits to a company for using a traditional approach in project management?  What are the negatives? 
  2. Given your experience and your research, what is the future of project management methodologies in your industry?
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