Week 1 discussion – working to improve teaching and learning


Week 1 Discussion – Working to Improve Teaching and Learning

After completing this week’s readings, review the “Reflective Exercise” at the end of Chapter 1.

We all know that the shift from hierarchical leadership to one of more collegiality is slowly evolving. We have had discussions in this program about the importance of teacher leadership, and there will be more as we continue to study the many facets of school executive leadership. However, we also know that high-stakes testing is still at the forefront and can overshadow what we really want to see in our continuing efforts to nurture teacher leadership. There is a Reflective Exercise at the end of Chapter 1 that illustrates this concept very well.

  • As a principal, how will you address your superintendent’s concerns as stated in this exercise?
  • How will you work with the teachers in your building next year to improve teaching and learning?

 Your initial response is due by 11:55 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday  and should be between 200-250 words. The initial posting should be a statement of your point of view on the question, supported by the required readings.  

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